
Monday, December 27, 2010

{Christmas, i miss you}

hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!!
i most definitely did, and now i am suffering from post-Christmas blues :(
it was so nice being with my whole family; it doesn't happen too often anymore with my brother away at college and my sister on the other side of the state 
(and having a job that requires working weekends).
i would love it if we all lived in the same city one day!

i don't have any photos from Christmas day, but following family tradition, we stayed in our jammies all day, never left the house and just relaxed.
the next day our extended family came over, 
includingmy cousin and her kids who were in from cancun. i was soo excited to see them.
check out how cute they are!! 
you should hear them speak spanish; it is so stinking adorable!

 madeline, her new buddy magglio & my brother cory
 me, bashful madeline & hubby
brandon! check out those baby blues.
 wow, am i pale! that's what michigan winters do to you.
they had a riot playing my brother's old drum set!
 madeline & brandon with their madre
and of course i can't leave out our handsome son, magglio :)


  1. These photos are too cute! And what a cute pup!

  2. How fun! Your family is so gorgeous!

  3. Chris and I and the rest of the family really missed seeing you all on Sunday!

    Beth and I enjoyed getting earrings from "Pretty things by Meg"--the funny thing is, Chris and Nathan bought the same pair (as I'm sure you know) without consulting the other! So Beth and I had fun matching yesterday.

    I'm with side of the family still has our Christmas celebration this coming weekend, but I already have the blues!! It was so special this year.

  4. Aw man, I shouldn't have read this, now I feel doubly sorry that I missed it. Would have loved to go to that Christmas service too - I'm planning on watching it tonight all the way through...

  5. i miss christmas too!! love photos of you and your family!
