
Friday, January 28, 2011

{happy weekend!}

i know i've mentioned before that i enjoy wearing dresses.
this is my favorite everyday dress (thank you target!)
and the fact that it has a floral pattern most certainly doesn't keep me from wearing it
in the winter. i think wearing color helps me combat the winter blahs.
i've noticed a few of you have this same dress.
we should probably all get together in our matching dresses sometime.

{strike a pose.}

has this week(/month) flown by for any of you?!? hooray for fridays!
i'm looking forward to an indoor candlelit picnic with hubby tonight
(i'm actually cooking dinner on a friday, woot)
and possibly a trip to the movie theatre to see the king's speech,
since i've been hearing so many rave reviews 
(my mom said it may be her favorite movie).

what are your plans for the evening/weekend?


  1. I love that dress! You are too cute!

  2. I can't believe how fast this month went...but I sure am glad it's Friday!

  3. Aww, the indoor picnic sounds like so much fun! And I really, really want to go see The King's Speech...I've heard it's fantastic!

  4. umm... hello february! wish i could pull of the dresses as cute as you do. enjoy movie night!

  5. you look so cute! love the floral dress and the headband. and ive heard great things about the kings speech - totally want to set that! and the romantic picnic with the hubs sounds perfect!

  6. i can't believe it's almost february! and i love this dress. i'm not a dress person, but i admire people who are. you make it look adorable {even in the winter!}

  7. i'm with you on the dress bringing some life into the winter wardrobe. yay for dresses from target!

  8. aw, I want that dress! This makes me want to wear one today :)

  9. the kings speech is fabulous! i hope you enjoyed it. and a picnic dinner sounds great!

  10. You look awesome in the dress. And yes this month has flown by! I can't believe we're a month into 2011.

    Ramblings of a Small Town Girl

  11. hi! i've passed on a blogger award to you via my blog. come and get it!

  12. so happy to have stumbled on your blog! sounds like you had a great Friday on the horizon--hope the indoor picnic {how fun!} went splendidly!

    we had a low-key weekend, complete with some raclette and now some hockey!

    can't wait to read more from you! xoxo {av}

  13. It's a pretty floral dress, no wonder a lot of people have it!:D

    ***** Marie *****
