
Thursday, January 13, 2011

{sometimes i wear pink pants}

 this is my super excited face.
it is probably most frequently brought on by good food.
but it is also brought on by opening up a package of pink corduroys from Santa.
yes, that's right -- pink. well, actually they're more of a salmon.
my hubby was much less enthused by my new pink pantaloons, 
although i think they've grown on him (maybe).
sometimes i take terrible-quality photos of myself wearing pink pants.
well actually this was the first time. some of you said you'd like to see some outfit posts,
so here you are. a little scary huh?
hopefully next time hubby will be around to take some pics
so i don't have to feel like an idiot again.

cardigan :: anthro | t-shirt :: gap | corduroys :: anthro | boots :: target
{don't worry, all items were on sale. i am what you would call a bargain hunter.} 

i thought i'd leave off with yesterday's outfit, to hopefully redeem myself to those of 
you who were scared off by the salmon pants (i know you're out there).

a little more neutral than the last :)
but this is as about as neutral as it gets. you will never see me wear all black/all grey 
(actually, i think i own maybe two black pieces of clothing.)
i don't feel myself without some color.

dress, belt & hat : anthropologie {gifts} | cardigan & tights : urban outfitters


  1. You look so purty! I think the pink corduroys are awesome! :)

  2. I love your hair straight! Your outfits are fantastic, too! I owned a pair of pink cords when I was in high school and loved them!

  3. So cute! I like your super excited face. haha!

  4. first your excited face is too cute - and i LOVE both outfits, even the pink pants!!!

  5. Love the pink cords and you can totally rock that look. Additionally love that green sweater. Should have guessed they were both from Anthro. You are cute, cute, cute my friend.


  6. You're so CUTE! I'm almost positive that my super excited face is always brought on by good food. I tend to dance in my chair while enjoying a particularly fantastic meal.

  7. I Adore your salmon pants! I don't think my fiance would be to keen on me wearing salmon pants either so maybe its a guy thing! Love both outfits!


  8. You are so cute! And beautiful! Love those pants and that last outfit.

  9. Love love LOVE your sense of style! And so happy to be seeing more of you, Meg! Where did you get those rockin pink cords?

  10. love the excited face and the hat! i dont think the pink pants are so bad! i had some bubblegum colored ones that i wore out for a birthday years ago. the last outfit is adorable and looks super comfy.

    ok, so now i want to know: secrets to staying in shape? do eat healthy, diet constantly, workout? do tell. i love hearing what healthy people do. maybe it's a sickness...but if you're skinny i wanna know. i can't help it. even if i'm skinny i'm still curious.

  11. So cute! I love the pink pants!

  12. You're so cute! I love your outfits :)

  13. Haha, my reaction to this would be much the same as Joel's I think... But I do find different-colored pants amusing. Just don't infect Linnea and we'll be fine. :)

  14. So cute! I need to try some pink pants...

  15. same with me! i attended a funeral last year and had to go out and buy black clothes!

  16. cuteness overload. I tend to stick with normal shades of pants so I'm glad to see that someone is embracing a colorful wardrobe...kepp it up!

  17. like your hat in the last picture! and also, kinda random, but i like the font you use on your blog!
