
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

{a french-inspired date}

our valentine's date on sunday at a charming little french restaurant, Josephine.
we had delicious savory crepes & shared creme brulee for dessert. 
i also enjoyed a glass of black raspberry champagne. yummm.

after dinner, we went to to art theatre to see  french film, the illusionist.
most of it was set in edinburgh, scotland, and though it was animated,
it looked so much like the real thing! it was so magical visually. 
it really made me want to go back there, along with paris.
i left the theatre desperate to travel to faraway places.

oh and in case you're wondering, i went with the chocolate raspberry
mini brownies for our valentine's day sweet. they were sooo delicious.
i'll share some photos + the recipe tomorrow. 
i'll also be sharing a recipe for the delicious baked eggplant parmesan 
i made last night soon :)

hope you all had a love-filled valentine's day!


  1. what a sweet date! I love crepes!

  2. happy belated v-day to you, meg! you and your hubs are too cute together. :)

  3. Black raspberry champagne sounds gooooood. My husband and I made Juniper Royales the other day. It has gin, OJ, cranberry juice, grenadine and champagne. It turned out well. Champagne cocktails are always interesting...and delicious :)

  4. What a lovely night! You two are simply darling and how fun to do a french themed evening. That movie sounds spectacular. Gotta check that one out...


  5. i love this! so sweet...
    and your outfit is rockin' too.

    Happy Valentines (late)....
