
Friday, February 18, 2011

{inspring interiors}

i'm sure most of you have discovered pinterest by now,
but if you've not, you've got to check it out. it's chalked full
of inspring images, such as these, which make me really excited
to have our own home one day that we can totally make our own.
there will most certainly be some turquoise walls and a farmhouse sink.





any fun plans for the weekend? i will be making earrings pretty much non-stop thanks to a successful
feature on groopdealz! thank goodness we now have netflix; i will most likely be watching a
record amout of movies over the next couple of days. and i'm thinking at some point i'll
need to take a target shopping break to spend the $50 gift card i got at work this week. woot!
hope you all find some time to relax this weekend!!



  1. what a pretty round-up!!! have a lovely weekend!!

  2. i would love to have a pretty kitchen! swoooooooon! - great pics :]

    weekend plans? sew. sew sew sew.

  3. all the turquoise in these photos...beautiful and so peaceful to look at. weekend plans? after looking at my house!

  4. I so love the light airy feel of these!

  5. These are all such lovely spaces! The source link on the last image doesn't seem to work. Would you mind sharing the source, that room is just to die for!

  6. that last pic is my fave. all the pretty color coordinated fabrics are such great eye candy to a non-crafty girl like me.
    good luck on your earrings! netflix is the best, no?

  7. Oh, Target gift card? My mind is fluttering with all the stuff I want to buy! Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. These are so beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing!

  9. love the rooms with all the aqua, so pretty! & have fun with your target gift card! :)

  10. such a good group if images!!! and congrats on all those sales - have fun making those earrings. :)

  11. Is that fabric stacked up on the shelves in that last picture?! Oh good heaven's! Now I am jealous :) All of these pictures are absolutely beautiful.

  12. Oh I love the final room pic, love the organization! Weekend plans, crafting and cleaning :)

  13. i love netflix. i'll watch just about any tv show on instant que. and the baby's room? i'll take it! {minus the baby}

  14. Inspiring is right. LOVE those images and especially those fabric filled cubbies. I want.

    Congrats on so much success group Group Dealz! I hope you're having an incredibly productive weekend. You go sister.

  15. i LOVE that room with all the fabric! so organized and pretty!!

  16. love love Pinterest... Who knew there were so many more images that I hadn't seen on the world wide web!
    I must go find these pins on your page and repin them!
    Congrats on your huge amounts of orders! You go girl!

  17. amen to every single one of them!!!!

  18. popping by from twitter.
    this post makes me all kinds of happy!

  19. these rooms are sooo yummy! newest follower :)
