
Friday, March 25, 2011

happy friday!!

i can't believe how quickly this week went!
my sister and fiance are coming home this weekend
and i am super pumped to spend time with them.
i'm also hoping to finally finish up a new line for my shop
and perhaps even start another that's been floating around in my head.
i've been feeling much more inspired & motivated lately.
i even woke up this morning with an image of a new design in my head!
it was a good start to the day i must say.

wanted to let you all know that there's a  
ruffle necklace giveaway 
going on over at love stitched where you can enter to win one in your choice of color.
you will also find a 20% off discount code there :)

enjoy your weekends!!
hubby and i are about to pick up some chinese
take-out and then catch the NBC sitcoms we missed from last night :D
excited to see The Office engagement!


  1. happy weekend!!! I'm so behind on the office that it's sad!

  2. oh thanks for the reminder about the office! i totally want to catch up on last night's episode.

    and happy wkend to you, too, friend!!!

  3. I hope you enjoyed dinner!

    The Mister and I got Chinese takeout too after our garage sale today.

  4. sounds like a lovely night in... enjoy your sister's visit! i love sister time :)

  5. Can't wait to see your new line! Have a fun weekend!

  6. I can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve! no doubt that your new line is going to be fantastic!
