
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

{stream of consciousness}

wow, it's been awhile. things have finally calmed down a bit now that production is
nearly through at work and because that aforementioned
custom jewelry order sadly fell through.
i feel like i'm still recuperating from all of the craziness,
and am having a hard time staying motivated. still pining for a vacay.
we all need to get away once in awhile and fully rest!
but at least we only have 6 weeks until we leave for chicago for a few days to see
arcade fire/the national (eeeek!) and visit friends.
this excites me a ridiculous amount. still trying to figure out a destination for our
anniversary on memorial day. need a cheap road trip idea.. unfortunately, the states
surrounding michigan do not excite me. where i'd really like to go ::
boston, montreal or asheville. not too sure about the 10-hr+ drive however.

i've finally had some time to catch up with friends the past few days,
and it has been so refreshing. i've decided something in my schedule needs
to give so that i consistently have time to spend with friends.
i feel incomplete without that time and i'm not challenged the way i should be.
we were all created to be in community.

and i believe that is enough rambling for one post.
i'll be back tomorrow with some photos of my finds from antiquing
with my mom & sister in grand rapids this weekend :D
and i'll leave you with this breathtaking photo of cinque terre
that i came across last night.
hoping one day i'll get to go back there & hubby will get to experience it too.


  1. Glad to have you back and I am glad things are calming down. Sorry about the order. Keep pressing on! You are doing so great!

  2. Oh, Cinque Terre - BEST vacation spot ever!

    For your road trip, how about Toronto? You need a passport, but it's a really fun city, and only about 4 hours away! You can find good hotel deals on

  3. Oh...sorry to here of your order falling through :(. I adore that, breathtaking!!!! Here to lighter days ahead, deep breaths :) xx Cat

  4. Cinque Terre is what I think of when I hear the word "Utopia"... it's heaven on earth.. I know that feeling, I'd LOVE to live there.

  5. aw, I hope you find time for a little vacay soon!!! Cinque Terre is amazing and I definitely recommend it! I took some photos for my photo blog when I was there this summer - there are a couple posts around here if you want to see more!

  6. I'm sorry to hear about your deal falling through. :( But you still work so heard you totally deserve a vacation!!! Take it easy friend!!
    Have a wonderful day and Happy St. Patty's day!!! :) xoxo

  7. Beautiful picture! Did you take it? Makes me want to go there sooo badly...

    Hmmm...anniversary destination. Have you been to Lake Geneva, WI? Chris and I went there last year--it's a beautiful town, and lots of sweet bed and breakfasts. Lazy Cloud B&B (not the inn) is delightful! We stayed in The Hayloft there.

    Hope you get some rest!

  8. missed you. but time with friends and family is more important.

    they ground you.

  9. You should absolutely head to Boston! My husband and I just spent 4 days there, and it was so worth the travel time. It's one of my favorite cities ever.
