
Friday, July 1, 2011

{overnight blog re-design!}

so a couple of days ago i suddenly got bored with my blog design & promptly
sent an email to my friend lisa, the sweet & talented designer behind my little buffalo,
commissioning her to design a pretty, vintagesque floral banner for me.
she started working on it that very night & had it to me the next day!
talk about service! and i couldn't be happier with it - it is absolutely perfect!
i love how well it fits my style...she did such a brilliant job working with me.

so in pretty much one day, on an impulse,
my blog is revamped. hooray! i only stayed up till about 2 last night working on
the finishing touches (me a perfectionist? naw.)
hopefully this will be the boost i need to amp up my blogging
because you don't need to tell me i've been a lazy blogger lately.

moral of the story ::  i highly recommend lisa if you're thinking of giving your blog a makeover :)
here are just a few other super awesome blog designs she's come up with ::

hope you take a few minutes to browse her portfolio and her shop,
believe me you will not be disappointed!
also i hope you have a fantastic 4th of july weekend.
joel and i are heading to the town i grew up in to take in some fireworks tonight! :D
what are your plans?


  1. it's SO pretty Meg! Lisa always does such nice work. :)

  2. love her style! and love the new look! it's so you.

  3. I love it, Meg! All your most favoritest colors :)And so whimsy...

  4. it looks really pretty! enjoy your weekend!

  5. love love your new layout design! just had one too recently...and always thinking of some change again soon. Great suggestions, will keep them in mind, thanks!

    Check out a lovely Giveaway over my place:


  6. I love it! Really lightens it all up. Yay for makeovers!

  7. What fun! Your banner is (as mary poppins would say) practically perfect in every way!

    Happy long holiday weekend to you!

  8. Adorable banner! Lisa did a fabulous job and the design works so well with your style Megan. Love it!

  9. Beautiful! Love the colors! Lisa is so talented and so hilarious! Did you know I got to hang out with her and her hubby when they were here in HI last month? LOVE her!

  10. looks absolutely FABULOUS!!!!! so so cute!

  11. ah! so pretty. i don't even know you, but i can tell it fits your style! :-)

  12. i just LOVE your blog makeover... very pretty!
