
Friday, December 31, 2010

{my sweet niece}

joel's family traveled from the west side of the state yesterday
to have a belated Christmas celebration with us.
and they brought my sweet little niece riley :)
it was so, so good to spend time with them. it'd been too long, as usual.

during my first visit with riley, i somehow forgot to take pictures,
so this time around i went a little snap happy.
hope you don't mind ;)

 i loved watching joel interact with her. he is going to be such a good daddy.

hope you all have a fantastic, memorable new years eve!!
ours will be just me & hubby for the first time ever, we usually have pretty big plans.
but i'm excited for a low-key celebration 
& some much overdue alone time with my love :)


  1. What a doll! He's already got the whole "sleeping with baby" thing down, so he's good! Haha! Enjoy your mellow night- those are the best :)

  2. So fun! And I must say you are so beautiful!

  3. Just cute on all counts.

    I know what you mean re: Joel as a good papa. When I see my husband Chad interacting with our nephew, I just am so confident in his future skills as a father.

  4. awe! what a sweetie! hope your new year is just wonderful!

  5. what a sweetheart! i have two adorable nieces myself and it's so hard not to gush about them all the time :)

  6. she's so adorable!! I love the one where they are both sleeping or have their eyes closed!

  7. ahh isn't being an aunt the best?
