
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

{2010 recap + 2011 goals}

it is true what they say, as you grow older, every year seems to fly by faster.
i can hardly believe a whole year has passed (not to mention an entire decade!), 
but it has been a great one, 
full of celebrations, blessings and growth.

here are just a handful of happenings from my 2010 ::

  • watched my sister get engaged 
  • became an aunt 
  • participated in my first craft fair 
  • surpassed 300 sales in my etsy shop 
  • celebrated  my second wedding anniversary in toronto 
  • visited chicago twice 
  • learned to crochet
  • did lots of crafting
  • created a home office & crafting space
  • worked a full-time job + ran a business
  • refinished our bedroom dresser
  • made pizza from scratch
  • tried lots of new recipes & experimented 
  • planted an herb garden
  • was a bridesmaid to a dear friend
  • sang at a wedding
  • celebrated 5 other weddings  
  • did my first guest post 
  • trusted God
  • celebrated my doggie's second birthday 
  • got organized

i have a feeling this coming year is going to be a fantastic one.
for one thing, my little sis is getting married!!
i am hoping it will be a year of tremendous growth in all areas of my life,
particularly in my relationship with Jesus & with my budding jewelry business.
here are some goals i am determined to reach in 2011.

  • learn the ukulele
  • learn to sew
  • grow my business like crazy!
  • find more ways to serve at my church & in my community
  • do more craft shows
  • join a bible study
  • work hard toward getting out of credit card debt
  • spend more time with Jesus
  • spend more time with friends
  • grow my blog
  • work on my negative nancy tendency
  • work out regularly (funny how this one comes up every year)
  • embrace entering my late twenties
  • get re-organized 
what are some of your goals for 2011?


  1. You had an amazing year! Wow!

    And your list of to do's is way impressive. You are totally going to nail it!

  2. your lists are great meg!!! i can't wait to see what 2011 will bring for you!!! :D

  3. What an awesome year! I'm so excited for 2011 - new beginnings! So many goals and things to look forward to :)

  4. Haha, you LEARN that ukelele!

  5. that's a great year! and the one to come sounds just as awesome!!

  6. SOOOO pumped about your TOMS! mine are tucked away until this snow and ice passes :)

    enjoyed reading these lists---they've inspired me to sit and think on my goals as well!

    ps--- SO cool that your husband got to jam at the christmas service :)

  7. Oh Meg! You had a great year it looks like! Best of luck with your 2011 goals. Several of them resemble mine! Especially the grow the business like crazy. I too am a negative Nancy, so that is something I am working on as well!

  8. What a great year! And, you will definitely achieve your goals in 2011. Sending you much love! xo

  9. Those are some great goals :) and it's fun to see what you accomplished in 2010 too. I'm planning to learn to sew in 2011 too, and even hopeful I can start a little business and go to some craft fairs. Happy New Year, Megan!

  10. such a good list, girl! blessings on your new year. :)

  11. 2010 was a blessed year for you! hope 2011 is even more so!!!
