
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

{i'm kind of obsessed}

with this color ::

so when i saw it in purse form, i instantly fell in love. 
and when i saw it was on SALE + an additional 10% off, 
it was decided : i must own it.
first spontaneous purchase i've had in a long time, 
so i don't feel tooo bad. it was a really good deal.
(note to hubby : i'm returning that dress, which will more than make up for it ;)

i'm going to have a really hard time holding off until spring to dawn this beauty.


  1. So cute! It would have been a crime to pass it up!

  2. Why wait 'til Spring? Totally appropriate for's a fresh, pretty, but not bright, color for the start of a new year, and gorgeous against the white of winter's snow!

  3. Super cute! Totally worth the spontaneous purchase.

  4. Oooo! Can't blame you one bit for falling in love! And I love your note to hubby. Sounds JUST like me! "but if I return that other thing I got at Target and take back those shoes then I can get the bag"... he he he. xo

  5. can not blame you for loving a purse that cute! it kinda goes with those pants you had on the other day!'ll just have to let her do this's a girl thing! :)

  6. Sooo pretty! Don't wait til spring--everyone needs a pop of color in your wardrobe to brighten things up!

  7. oooo love this bag! no need to wait till spring! rock it now girl!

  8. that is a prettyyyyyyy colour!

  9. That's a gorgeous handbag! Gotta love pink. And you don't need to wait until spring indeed, there's blue sky days in winter as well, and having something pink by your side will brighten the cold drearyness of winter :)
