
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

{wednesday wishlist :: baby style}

it seems as though lately ladies in the blogosphere have been
getting prego left and right. serrrriously girls, you are not at all helping my emerging {and quite unexpected} baby fever. 

and though trying for a baby is not in our near future for a couple of
{very convincing} reasons, that certainly doesn't stop me 
from looking at ridiculously cute baby things.


{sleepy king}
{sweet pea toad}

{down home amy}
{ivory & moss}

{handmade baby love}

it doesn't get much cuter. i'm pretty sure that once i do get preggers, 
i'm going to make an etsy registry.


  1. Baby fever is TOUGH. I remember it well, although I am rather glad to not be experiencing it now. I'm thinking I already have enough on my plate :) Etsy has some really lovely things for the little people. I didn't know about Etsy with my first two, but can you believe that the only thing I've gotten so far for the baby is a set of blocks? It's true.

  2. SOOOOOOOOO CUTE. i love it.
    i';m in the same space as you. I have a few years to go, and I'm okay waiting, but am SO excited for when it comes ;)

  3. Oh my word! I want all of this for my daughter!!! So cute! And i remember the baby fever i feel for ya , just stay strong and enjoy every minute of your no baby time!

  4. I totally agree - babies are all over the blog world and there are such adorable clothing items for them, it makes me crazy enough to think I want a baby right now! These are some great finds, I'll have to keep them in mind!

  5. oh my word...the gray and yellow dress and that adorable hat! I want them. Except I don't have a little girl to put in that dress.
    My boys are 22 months and 3 1/2 and I already have baby fever again. Crazy, crazy.

  6. Baby fever is highly contagious! That sweet little gray and mustard dress is so perfect for my little Ginger.
    Live it up in your pre-kid years - you'll have lots of fun memories to help keep your marriage strong through parenthood.

  7. the hat and the bibs are soooo darling! watch out with that baby fever and the long, cold Michigan winters...a dangerous combination. :)

  8. are totally not helping my baby fever either lady! cute finds though :). oh....and what's in the blogging water?? seriously...everyone is preggers these days in the blog world!

  9. I know! EVERYONE is preggos! I still love it though- makes for some awesome posts. Registering for Etsy is genius!

  10. i have that Gus hanger -- it says Gussy of course! :]

    such cute finds! love love them.

  11. Really beautiful. Congs! i'm glad to find u. xx
