
Friday, January 21, 2011

isn't this bunting such a fun, whimsical idea for a wedding ceremony?
i'll have to see what my sister thinks.. i do think it would go quite well with her theme.

{source unknown -- fill me in if you know!}

hope you are all having a fantastic friday! i know i am, mostly because hubby got us tickets this morning to see one of my all-time favorite bands, ARCADE FIRE w/ opening act THE NATIONAL in CHICAGO!!! i first discovered arcade fire while browsing for new music at a record store in england {while studying abroad in college}. i was instantly enraptured and my love for them has not wavered. they have been number one on my {mental} list of top band to see live for some time now. the show is not until april 25th -- that is far too long to wait if you ask me!! 

have a happy weekend! 


  1. What a sweet hubby! Have a wonderful time!

  2. I think bunting would be perfect at weddings and I'm sad I didn't think of that a year ago, so we could have used it in our wedding. Oh well. Great photo!
    Enjoy Arcade Fire, I'm headed to Chicago next month for a conference and I'm really looking forward to it!

  3. Wow, that is soo romantic, could the lighting be any more perfect??

  4. that wedding pic is so lovely! stuff like that makes me what to go back and re-do my own wedding!

  5. Loving the bunting. Actually about to make some tonight for my little Bird's birthday party tomorrow.

  6. AHHH that'll be a great show. Something good to look forward too in the beginning of your Spring. Love the bunting. But I am a sucker for bunting.

    Ramblings of a Small Town Girl

  7. you stinking lucky duck! we LOVE the national and arcade fire. i think we may be kindred spirits, megan.

    and i love the bunting as the aisle. *why didn't i think of that?!*

  8. oh boy i love the excitement of getting tickets to a good concert...and then attending. so fun to look forward to. there really isn't anything like a night of live music.

  9. sounds like a sweet date - esp since its in Chicago!!! ;) have fun with the husband!!!

  10. i need to incorporate more bunting in my life.

    i love that you get to see the national AND arcade fire. two regularly played bands at my house!

  11. love arcade fire! (and love that bunting as well!)

  12. I discovered Arcade Fire when a friend loaned me their CD last year! Love them! Hope you enjoyed the concert!

  13. i am in the middle of making bunting for my sister's engagement party.... i think it's a perfect touch!

  14. the bunting and the benches are so perfect!

  15. found you on etsy. fell in love. the ruffle necklace is to die for. so glad to have stumbled upon you. :)

  16. you lucky duck! i'm totally jealous of your amazing concert tickets. and if your sister says "no" to bunting, politely pretend not to hear.

  17. i have a new thing for bunting. I love it! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your blog is just lovely and your fashion is photo worthy!
