
Monday, January 10, 2011

{my crafting corner}

has anyone else had an incredibly hard time getting out of bed in the morning lately?
it is never easy for me to get up, but the cold winter weather
seems to be making it that much harder. i think mondays are the hardest.
i suspect it would be easier if i knew i was going to be spending a day creating in my little craft corner.

i didn't have said craft corner (or any designated space for making jewelry/crafting) until just a couple of months ago when i realized that a simple rearranging 
of our bedroom would create a little space for me ::
my craft corner.
i'd like to find a spool organizer to hang on that side wall.
see the ukulele hiding in the corner? well she was finally played with this weekend
when hubby gave me my very first lesson :)
now it's time to stop neglecting my poor sewing machine
(i had to wipe some dust off of her before taking this photo).

i also do some crafting on the little open space there is on my desk.
isn't she darling?
my home office space
i look forward to the day when i have an entire room for crafting,
but for now this will do just fine :)


  1. So pretty! And I LOVE those hooks you have your ruffle necklaces on! Are those skeleton keys?

  2. I've been trying to brainstorm a little spot for myself somewhere in our house, but so far I haven't been able to find anything that I can spare! Your creative spaces look so cozy! Hooray for your sweet sewing basket too!

  3. I love your desk in the corner idea! I've never been brave enough to try it because I'm afraid my little spare room just can't pull off that look : ) But yours is great!

  4. I love the key hooks for your necklaces :)

  5. this little workspace makes me happy!

  6. you have a great little space!! i think a thread spool holder on the wall would look so pretty too!!

  7. so cute! and completely necessary to have your own little space. enjoy it :)

  8. I have always wanted a food photography corner. Definitely a dream.

  9. what a cute area! And I have had trouble getting up lately so bad..I thought it was jet lag but it's not improving :)

  10. Love the space, it's so clean & bright, very inspirational! Thanks for sharing :) and yes, I spotted the uke right away!
    Cheers to your workspace, Meg!

  11. LOVE how bright and clean your space is!! you, kim, gussy, are all soo inspiring!! i can't share mine.. its a mess!!!

  12. Hello! Your cheerful craft corner has inspired me to go clean up mine! I too dream of the day when I have a room all to myself to craft away.

    Happy new year Meg! xo

  13. this is the second tour of a craft room i've seen today on a blog...and i'm jealous of both of them! it's fun to get a glimpse of where people create, and it gives me (an uncrafty person at nature) inspiration to try and create something myself!
