
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

{dresser transformation + long-ish hair}

remember when hubby and i decided to refinish our dresser forever ago?
i never did end up showing you the finished result because well,
it never quite got finished.
but i figure it is close enough. cause who knows when we'll actually get around to putting the missing knobs on or giving it the distressed look we want.

our refinished dresser.
i'm thinking it's a pretty decent improvement, no?
it really brightens up the room.
my favorite part is the vintage jade knobs we found on ebay 
(an affordable alternative to anthro!)
my parents had some leftover glossy white paint they were so kind to let us use,
so it ended up costing very little.

joel did an amazing job sanding it before and between each coat - 
he was definitely not messin' around.
i did a pretty good job at painting, with the exception of a few drip spots...
by the end, i was not worried about perfection - i just wanted it to be done!!
have you transformed a piece of furniture lately?

on an entirely different note,
i got my hairs trimmed tonight, 
and it's straight for the first time in months.
look how long it's getting! (believe me, this is long for me)
hopefully i can keep going strong & not spontaneously chop it like i did about a year ago
(and countless other times in my life)!


  1. your hair looks GORGEOUS! you look great with long(ish) hair :)
    and the dresser is fantastic - i am always on the lookout for old pieces with potential. good for you guys!
    xo meg

  2. This is wonderful! I love the dresser and the decorations you put on top of it. I, too, am growing out my hair. I've been seeing too many lovely photos of ponytails and chignons lately not to. :)

  3. love the dresser! it really does brighten things up, and looks very sweet with those frames hanging above. and, your hair is adorable! xo, katie

  4. oh i have the same tendency to chop my hair. im growing mine out right now too...and sadly it's really not that long. yours is long!!! way long for me, like, that's what i want my length to be. good job on the dresser too!

  5. love the clean look of it. there's just something so comforting about white furniture to me...maybe because i've never had any and want it :) great work, thanks for sharing!
    you're haircut is great, keep it going. i do the same thing, say i'll grow it and then call the hairdresser and see if she has room for me that afternoon...oops!

  6. your hair looks GORGEOUS!!! and same with that dresser!

  7. Love the hair! That dresser is fabulous also!

  8. Love it. :)

    And I've been doing my best to keep from spontaneous chopping too!! :) I do want to go short again sometime, but, like you, I've not had my hair long in forever. I've done pretty well lately. The trick is, to keep getting it trimmed/thinned whatever on a regular basis so you don't get fed up with it! :)

  9. i love how the dresser looks! makes me want to do that to ours too!!
    and your hair looks awesome!!
    miss you guys!

  10. meg!! it is SUPER cute!! i love how you painted the handles a blue color!!!

  11. love the dresser! and LOVEVLOVELOVE the hair!!! super cute!

  12. I think you did a great job with the dresser, looks new!:D

    I like your haircut, fresh and polished!:D

    ***** Marie *****

  13. meg -- your hair is so pretty. i've been blog hoppin' tonight and everyone has pretty, long hair. WAH, not me. haha. don't cut it! don't!!!


  14. that is such a cool dresser now. did you just paint it or sand it too?

    6 months after i got married, i chopped of all my hair in a bob and dyed it since it hadn't been dyed since before the wedding. now i can't wait until i get to embrace the long hair.
