
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

{valentine's day lovelies}

seriously, does it get any prettier than this?!?

i can't stop looking at it! i would request it for valentine's day (which is also the anniversary of when joel and i got engaged) if it wasn't wayyy out of our budget.

so instead, i will settle for one of these lovely cards, all of which you can find here.
the beauty of these is they are so pretty, that they can double as decor
(if i received one, i would most definitely frame it).
i never cease to swoon over their designs. they are simply beautiful.

last time i was at anthropologie,
i spotted some of their stationery and got really excited for them. can you imagine how amazing that would feel?!? their designs fit in so perfectly with the anthro vibe.


  1. LOVE!! and inspiration. <3 very anthro vibe. good call.

  2. goodness! so gorgeous.
    full of spring and cheer! I love them. thanks for sharing!

  3. I kept the card you got us for our wedding because it's so pretty! It's on display in our bookshelf!

  4. Those are beautiful! And MEG! I really like the lok of your blog! Did you do it?

  5. love these! love your shop and your blog! and everything :)

  6. Beautiful!! And I thought your blog was Sean & Chloe for a second!! So similar!! :)

  7. You could totally attempt to paint that pretty picture...maybe. :0)

  8. never too old for v-day cards, huh? :) i need to give some out; thanks for the ideas, meg!
