
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

{city bird detroit}

last month at the DUCF, i had the pleasure of meeting
the talented (& oh-so gracious) owners of city bird detroit.

city bird is a store, studio and gallery located in midtown detroit (the arts district).
i have not yet been, but it looks like a hip place with some really fantastic wares.
they carry their own line of Detroit-themed housewares, accessories and paper goods as well as work by more than 75 other local artists and designers.
pretty awesome, right?

know what else is pretty awesome? they will soon be carrying my jewelry! i am currently working on a small order to send their way in time for their upcoming valentine's day party. so exciting that i will finally be in a local store (and such an awesome one, at that)!

at this point, there are only two stores that carry my jewelry -- mad eagle in e. lansing & la boutique in sarthe, france. one of my goals for this year is to add substantially to this list, so this is a great start.

this will be my first experience with consignment, so i'm not sure what all to expect.
here's to hoping city bird's shoppers will take a liking to my baubles!!

do any of you have your handmade goods in brick & mortar shops? how have your
experiences been (specifically with consignment?)


  1. Congrats on getting your products into a store! Good luck!


  2. That is super fun! And your leg warmer earrings are adorable--so creative!

  3. Congratulations! This is such a huge thing! You are so talented and your jewelry is going to be selling off the charts!

  4. Congrats Meg! That's awesome! I've thought a lot about trying out a brick and mortar shop... but I get so intimidated by the idea. I may send you an email with a couple of questions about your experience if you don't mind :]

  5. Hi! I have product in 3 stores. Overall good experience. My stuff sells out constantly in 1 shop. In the others it is slower. But overall really great! I am also trying to broaden my reach with consignment!

  6. Good for you, Meg! Consignment has been fine for me so far, the shop owners I've worked with have been really nice and helpful.

  7. Yay! That is SO awesome. That is actually how I got my start into making jewelry and I had a good experience however it is hard sometimes to price items because you have to consider the percentage being taken out by the store. In the end though, you are getting more exposure and dabbling in a whole new outlet to help expand your business. I'm sure it will be great!

  8. i am just still in amazement that your jewelry is in a store in france :) you are doing amazingly!! good luck with the consignment, i'm sure it will go fabulously.
    xo meg

  9. wowee! How giddy do you feel right now? That is completely wonderful that you are able to sell in an actual store. Do you think that you'll sneak around the store and talk up your jewelry to the shoppers as if you were at a show? :)

  10. LOVE city bird!! andy and emily are awesome and their store is the cutest! love going there for eclectic wares :) let me know when you're stuff is there and i'll go scoop some up :)

    ps: LOVE the layout!
