
Thursday, February 3, 2011

first of all,

THANK YOU to all of you have placed an order in my shop over the past 24 hrs!
ruffle necklaces have been flying off the shelves thanks to sandy & brittany!
i can hardly keep up! and to think just a couple of days ago I was struggling with
trusting God with our new tithing plan. oh me, of little faith!!
God is so faithful, even when my trust in Him falters.

{if you haven't yet entered to win a ruffle necklace on sandy's blog, you can do so here.
you can also save 20% off in my shop with coupon code SANDYALAMODE.
thank you for all your support!!}


while i was at home yesterday, thanks to a whole lot of beautiful snowfall,
i added a little more pizazz to my "creative space"
(which occupies the corner of our bedroom).

my" creative space"

i finally got a spool holder to hang on the wall, i framed a gingiber love grows
postcard, and i hung up february & march from her owl calendar from a vintage
hanger. in my opinion, you can never have enough gingiber in your home!

my" creative space"

finally, a place for my spools.

i also made a garland to drape over my mini art collage using this finger-knitting 
tutorial from gussy sews (sooo easy & quick & also somewhat addicting!)
i already have plans for several more, including a red one to possible replace this one.

my" creative space"

oh and to settle a debate between hubby and i :: what color would you say this
garland is?would you say it's more blue-ish or more green-ish?
thanks for your help in hopefully proving my hubby wrong ;)

hope you are all having a wonderful day! to those of you with yet another snow day,
enjoy every minute of it (and stay warm)!!


  1. Woohoo! Congrats on all your sales. That calendar is adorable! I love all the details in your craft space.

  2. Awe! Meg your space is adorable! So happy to see my prints in such a happy home!

  3. yay! You finally got your spool holder! Where did you end up getting it from?

  4. i thought it was grey-ish hahaha :) i love your vintage hangar, what a cute way to display that gorgeous calendar!!

  5. Congrats! A well deserved hug and a nice paycheck is in store for you.

  6. blue-ish :) A blue-ish sure and tell us the which of you thought what, and who won! :) lol

  7. thinking it's more blue than green. I agree with Loves tea--blue grey. :)

    congrats on the sales. i love those ruffle necklaces. i featured you in little yellow treasury today. yellow and ruffles make me happy.

    have a wonderful thursday.

  8. So fun and congrats!
    :-) xxx Emily from EL Vintage

  9. Haha, I also have no idea how to chop an onion, but we got these amazing knives for our wedding that do everything for you. I ended up just whacking the onion with the blade until it looked chopped enough. It's a really manly way to cut things up. If you have tips though, would love to hear them...

    And I think the color is whatever Joel said it was. So there.

  10. Your space looks so pretty! I would say more blue. My husband is terrible with color. :)

  11. I love your little corner and all the little personal things you've doing to make it cozy.

    I'd say the garland is most ceratinly blue. Hope that helps in your effort to prove him wrong. he he.

  12. Yay - congrats on all the sales! I'd definitely say it's more blue-ish.

  13. Hooray for lots of sales! And your space looks so cute! I'd say the garland looks more blue grey on my monitor.

  14. Yay for all the sales! I get that way too. Right when I start questioning my finances, God opens the floodgates and I am immediately humbled. Oh me of little faith!
    And your sewing corner is just so cute! Do you sew sitting on the floor? How do you do that, if you do do that?! And I also share my bedroom with my sewing space!
    And I would say the garland is a blueish grey. Hope that makes you right!

  15. Your space is too cute! It's inspired me to pick out a craft to work on this weekend. I just need to figure out what...

    I think the garland is bluish. (I hope this helps your cause!)

  16. It's blueish!!! did you know that most men are are color blind? hubby and i have that argument all the time!!! LOL

  17. i would definitely say a more blue-ish based on the picture... also- i'm inspired to know that your work space is in your bedroom. we only have a one bedroom apartment, so finding a workspace has been a challenge. i may end up having to snag a corner of our dining area...

  18. That's tough. I see green in the top photo, but blue in the bottom. Maybe it changes color? :-P

  19. yayy soo happy for you and all the sales!! your products are great and the discount is awesome! Sandy a la Mode is cool too, huh?! ;) i LOVE your space meg and all the wall hangings!! hmm i am voting for blue.. but color can sometimes can distorted in pictures~! have a great weekend making all those necklaces! ;)

  20. Oh my goodness! I love this! Thanks for sharing!

  21. yay for blogging friends who promote friend's business! haha. and i totally agree that it's a blue-ish color. not sure who said that, but i agree with them!

  22. the space makes me smile. i love it!

    and yes....God always provides. Always.

  23. looks great, love that chalkboard! i would say it's more blue than green (but often have a hard time judging those things myself).
    exciting to hear your ruffle necklace sales are up :)
