
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

{snowpocalypse 2011}

so it didn't turn out to be quite the snopocalypse that the
weather forecasters were calling for, but there is a lot of snow nevertheless,
and it is still coming down. and it is most certainly enough to warrant for a

{view from our porch}
hubby and i went for a long walk this morning with magglio, and it was magical.
so serene and peaceful.  it's days like these that i actually savor winter :)
and magglio was loving his life, pouncing around in the fluffy snow.

{i have never seen main street so quiet! probably half of the businesses are closed. so beautiful.}

{can not get over how enormous this mound of snow is!}

on an unrelated {but awesome} note, the lovely sandy is hosting a giveaway for me today over on her blog, sandy a la mode. up for grabs? a ruffle necklace in the winner's choice of color :) enter here. and grab her coupon code to receive 20% off in my shop!

also, check out the beautiful tiffany from love stitched dawning my mustard yellow ruffle necklace in her outfit post! woot!!

it is a good day indeed!


  1. Look at your sweet little pup!! So cute and look at all that snow!

  2. rochester looks like such a beautiful city... doubly so when it's covered in snow!

  3. Ahh same here! We got a snow day (3rd in the history of the university!!) but it's not completely the end of the world as they predicted.. and it's so pretty:)

  4. we got about 9-11 inches here. today is the first day that the wind isn't blowing everything around and the sun is out, but it's like 9 degrees outside. crazy. i can't believe how many states this storm hit. enjoy your snow day! we're on day 2 and may go into 3!! and, my beagle hates the snow but my pug goes nuts. i need to get pictures.

  5. same here. I go to school in Rochester, and they cancelled for today. It isn't nearly as bad as they said. but enjoying my day off!

  6. wow, I've never seen downtown so deserted! looks like a nice walk - your dog is so cute!

  7. Yay for snow days!

    Moody is closed down for the snow, but most people are still going to the Founder's Week conference anyway. Being from Indiana, I love snow days, and I love seeing most of Chicago just shut down. :) Of course, this happens what, once every fifty years?

  8. aww that little street in your town is so so cute

  9. sweet pup! that snow mountain is huge, and i can't believe that your puppy got up to the top without falling in. :)

  10. number one thing i miss about being in michigan... snow days! enjoy your day!

  11. What adorable pictures of your puppy! And I think you live in the cutest town ever.

    We are so snowed in! I hope you are staying warm.

  12. I wish it would just hurry up and snow here. I am tired for this 9 degrees and no snow business.

    Ramblings of a Small Town Girl

  13. I LOVE snow days!!

  14. What great pictures! The one of main street looks like a post card. Your dog is so adorable. Really like your blog.

  15. Your dog is cute, I like the 3rd picture.

    A long walk with that weather must be nice.:D

    ***** Marie *****

  16. Oh my gosh, your dog is sooo cute! :)

  17. Our cockapoo (that we had to put to sleep a couple of years ago) looked exactly like your dog. It is seriously scary!!!

  18. oh wow. that is a lot of snow! Oh and that picture of your dog has me in total AWWWWW, your dog is so adorable!
