
Thursday, February 10, 2011

{handmade valentines}

on our very first valentine's day as a couple, i was in london studying abroad.
but when joel came to visit that march, i gave him a handmade valentine that i'm
pretty sure is still one of his favorite gifts.
it involved two strings of hearts cut out from various color of cardstock;
one was titled "10 things i love about you" &
the other was a collection of memories we'd shared together so far.
they were enclosed in a little box upon which i'd written
cheesy lyrics from some of our favorite songs.
we actually still have them; i hung them up for decoration :)

i have to admit, i've been somewhat of a slacker in the handmade valentine department
since then, but i've been inspired by all the valentine ideas i've seen on the interwebs to make
something special again this year (er, i mean in the next couple days, eek!)

{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}

hope you're inspired to make your mister a valentine {or a fort!}


  1. I think that is the sweetest Valentine's idea I have EVER heard. ummmm, may I steal it from you? :)

  2. such a sweet valentine! might have to steal it!!

    and im loving that fort! its so magical. :)

  3. love the fort... i'm using that idea on our next snow day, definitely!

  4. making your man a fort might be the most awesome thing ever. that photo is so wonderful!!

  5. great ideas! i too love that fort!

  6. I love the Valentine you made but think I might have to steal the paint chip valentine, it would be so fitting this year!

  7. I adore those fortune cookies! And that fort is oh so romantic.

  8. The fort looks like amazing vday fun! And I love the Valentines on paint samples.

  9. I love those paint card valentines... such a cute idea!

  10. They are all really cute ideas!

  11. CAN'T wait to meet you in OCTOBER!!!!

  12. the fort is such a fun idea!

  13. i am all about handmade valentine's this year and i've already made 8+! can't wait to pass them out and make some more! :D

  14. what a nice idea you share with us great post very nice fabulous great thinking
