
Thursday, June 9, 2011

{my weekend in photos}

my weekend was a friend-filled one. my friend time has been very
minimal lately, so it was so refreshing to have a full dose.

friday night, we went to my high school/college friend carla's wedding.
it was at the very same place that joel and i got married, so that brought
back some pretty epic memories :)
isn't she gorgeous?! the ceremony was a mixture of Jewish & Catholic traditions, 
complete with a priest and a rabbi.
it was really beautiful. 
plus i got to see the groom break the glass, so that was pretty sweet.
{i'd never been to a Jewish wedding}.
i also got to dance to my very first Hora :D so much fun.

 i got this dress for FREE from my cousin in san diego who works at anthro!! such a blessing since
buying a new dress is not in the budget.

i got to spend time with my friend flora, who flew in from oakland, california
for the wedding. love her. (hi flora :))

saturday night, my friend from college, karianne, was in town from baltimore,
so we went out on the town with some of her friends. it was weird being the only
not-single girl. i was reminded of how demeaning the bar scene can be. blech.
but, i had LOTS of fun catching up :) no photos of these happenings, although
i suspect some will be popping up on facebook soon..

sunday i went to my friend sarah's bridal shower & caught up with some friends
from church. and i realized how much i've missed them.
look, we have matching hair :)

in conclusion, i really need to make more time for the friends in my life.
because well, they rock, and there is a void in my life without them.


  1. LOVE your dress! Looks like you had a fabulous time! :)

  2. You got married at Addison Oaks! Darryl and I play weddings there all the time - I love it, it's gorgeous and the food is awesome.

  3. What a wonderful weekend Meg! I just adore your Anthro dress!!! How lovely!! You lucky girl you! ;)

  4. Aw great to spend time with you too Megs. It's never enough :) Love you!

  5. That dress fits you perfectly! Woohoo for free Anthro dresses!

  6. that looks like a lovely w/e :)

  7. we have the same anthro dress!! LOVE it!!

  8. that skirt in the last pic? LOVE <3

  9. well didn't you have a busy your dress...sounds like a wonderful weekend!

  10. that dress is LOVELY!! and you look stunning in it!

  11. wow, such a pretty dress you got there. you rocked it!

  12. Wow, all the dresses are so pretty!

  13. It's fun that you had a weekend full of so many friends!
    And that dress! LOVE!
